To fully bloom and find our mojo, we must start with embracing the concept of self-love. We need to first love ourselves before we get the right mindset and resources to keep upgrading ourselves, both professionally and personally. For the busy bees among us, it is often tricky to combine self-love with our bulging agenda. Luckily, we have a few tips and tricks to love ourselves more. Self-love, here we come!
Push your limits
Life is one big adventure. To live it to the fullest, it is important to keep pushing your limits. Look around you for new challenges and opportunities that will bring you further in life, in both your personal and professional world. From small simple things to big projects. From discovering a new hobby to making a career switch. Let your creativity and imagination run wild. What would you like to do if there were no limitations and restrictions at all?
Be your own cheerleader
Who else is a better cheerleader to you than yourself? Always be that person to yourself who continuously and unconditionally cheers you on in everything you do. Try to acknowledge and embrace the uncertainties and possible risks. Most important of all, do not let them hold you back. Have faith in yourself and let your inner cheerleader encourage you and push you one step further.
Write down three accomplishments every day
By taking a moment each day to reflect on things you can be proud of that day, you create appreciation for yourself. This, in turn, nurtures your self-love. So do yourself some good by taking a moment daily to write down these things in your Bloombook and celebrate yourself.
Surround yourself with people who energises you
We are shaped by people from our inner circle. They give us energy and strength which, in turn, contribute to our self-confidence. Our closed ones also make us realise how valuable we are to them for the love, inspiration and energy we give.
Exercise, exercise and exercise
Exercising and working out make you stronger, both physically and mentally. By investing energy and time in yourself, you realise even more that you are worth it all. The resulting self-appreciation and self-esteem go hand in hand with self-love. Also, exercising and working out are great ways to empower yourself. You start to feel stronger and more powerful, which also enhances your self-confidence. This, in turn, results in even more love for yourself.
To get even more out of your workouts, you can also treat yourself to a delicious protein shake prior to your exercise session.. Talking about self-love <3
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